Written by
Kali Newlen-Burden

Kali Newlen-Burden, ICON sponsorship coordinator

July 23, 2020

ICON was proud to be the Presenting Sponsor of the 2020 Strawberry Season at Crossnore School and Children’s Home. With 22,000 berries, it was their longest season ever. The strawberry harvest continues to be a gift to our community year after year.

We’re pleased to share their kind words: “We were so thankful for our partnership with ICON Builders and their gracious financial support. As we learned well this year, farming has its risks – pests, uncooperative weather and, this year, a global pandemic. But with ICON Builder’s support, we were able to have a successful season.”

And they have high hopes for next year! To learn more, read the article on Crossnore’s website.

Strawberry Patch